According to the 9th DevRel Survey Report, the average team size of DevRel is 3 to 4 people.
8.8% of
companies with over 10,000 employees have just a single person running their DevRel program.
Monitor GitHub metrics
GitHub metrics (e.g., forks, stars, and contributors) are good indicators of DevRel success.

Get a Slack notification every time your repo gains 10 more stars
How long does it take for your GitHub repo to gain 10 more stars? It is an indicator of the project’s brand awareness and its popularity among developers.

Get a Slack notification each time your GitHub repo is forked
Monitor forks of the GitHub repo. It tracks the growth of open source projects over time.

Automatically save GitHub issues that mention your open source project to an Airtable table
Monitor and record all GitHub issues that mention your open source project. It helps DevRel keep track of and respond to external questions quickly.
Interact with the community
Build great developer experience.

Send the good first issue to the designated Discord channel

Send a thank-you email to the contributors automatically when a PR is merged

Remind me if an issue is unanswered after 3 days

Send urgent issues to the designated Slack channels

Connect your OpenAI applications based on the Assistant API to Telegram
Understand and review code
DevRels need to create content for the technical audience. It’s vital that we understand what every Pull Request (PR) does. ChatGPT can summarize and review the code in a PR. It saves time for us and developers.